I would like the experience of the migrant community that I represent, Sussex Refugees and Migrants Self Support Group, to be factored into the discussion and the solution to dealing with racism and faith-based hate crime.
Please list the skills and experience that make you a good trustee
I am a co-founder of the Sussex Refugee and Migrant Self Support Group in 2017 and have since functioned as the coordinator of the group, carrying out the necessary project and financial management tasks. From these experiences, I have developed sound project management skills and financial knowledge that I can contribute to the day-to-day functioning of the RHF.
I have a broad knowledge of the migrant community that I represent. As such, I can offer RHF ideas on how it can improve its services to reach marginalised migrant communities within the BAME community.
If I am given the chance to be a member of the Trustee, I will be a team player and an active contributor to discussions and activities.