Contact Info
Asmat Maryam Roe
Vice Chair (Trustee)

I have lived experience of this City as a BME woman who is also visibly Muslim since 1973.  Understanding the society at large, I am aware how important equalities agenda are for all minorities and how crucial this area of work is to improve the safety and wellbeing of our minority communities and the whole society.  It is important that every resident of the city feels that this is home and feels safe and wanted in the city.  I understand the intersectionality of identities and disadvantage and believe in working collaboratively with all communities including White communities and our statutory partners.


Please list the skills and experience that make you a good trustee


Professionally I was a teacher and have worked with young people most of my working life.  I understand the young people’s needs and issues, the importance of education sector and recently the role of the media including social media in their lives and how to work in these areas to maximum impact.


I have been the first community Chair of the Racial Harassment Forum in 1990s and have a long history of supporting the RHF mission and work to deliver its aims and objectives.  I understand the intricacies of work and our approach.


I have also been the chair of the Brighton and Hove Muslim Women’s group and previously the Chair of the Racial Equality Service for the five years of its existence.  I have a wealth of experience in working in the community sector with little resources and being creative to achieve our mission.


I have good experience of working in partnerships this includes statutory and voluntary sector and bringing in community perspective to inform and drive the partnership work.

I have worked with communities to champion community causes and to increase awareness of our rights and ensure that communities access public services.  I have worked to develop trust of our communities in our community service as well as our statutory partners services.


I have a long experience of scrutinising and holding statutory services to account on behalf of our communities and residents advocating for our rights and safety. 

I have lived experience of how racism and prejudices work and I have good insights in solutions that work for women, young people and our communities in partnership and harnessing the rich diversity of our city.


 I have been involved in work to reduce community tensions in the City following and local, national and international incidents.  Following Lee Rigby Murder in 2013, I suggested that communities, statutory and voluntary sector all speak with ‘One Voice’ and stand together against prejudice and hate.  This led to the community tension meeting being renamed as ‘One Voice Partnership’ and I have continuously supported this work, uniting people in the City on issues that concern us all.

I have been responsible for managing community services and have a strong understanding of governance.  I have worked with people and have good communication skills and influencing people to involve them in our work and achieve our objectives.  


I have experience of managing staff and understand the importance of financial management.  I have experience of fund-raising for small events and raising funds for the RHF.


I have a strong belief in dignity of human beings and respect for all.  I have strong work ethics and have been a volunteer in many different areas of work.

I believe in service to the community and society both in person and through other resources.